• Physiognomic analysis

A huge number of books written about how to read information about a person, not being in direct contact with it. One of the most popular today is the science of physiognomy. It helps to make the most comprehensive psihoportret person, using data on its face, its structure, expression, reactions to various events in the outside world. Physiognomy - the science that can "read over his eyes," that is, to determine a person's character by facial features. Experts detective agency "Private detective Crimea" hold physiognomic analysis and are physiognomic portrait.

Physiognomy developed in ancient times and at all times improved. There are several schools that are studying the nature of man in the face, as well as postures, movements, certain parts of the body. Although these schools are different, but they have many similarities in the definition of most reactions. An expert on physiognomy is to practice and to know a few schools to successfully apply them in their practice.

How this happens

Compilation of physiognomic portrait differs from physiognomic analysis of facial features. In the latter case, we study the human reaction to certain actions and issues that are reflected in the change of facial muscles. In such cases we speak of immediate reaction, not about how to determine the nature of the face.

Physiognomic portrait is determined by the combination of constant features - shape of the nose, chin, eye, and so on. Specialists in physiognomist as determined by the nature of facial features. For this is not necessarily the presence of man in person, it is enough pictures or portraits. Sometimes specialists cost only verbal portrait, which describes in detail the features of the face.

This procedure will be interesting to those who are going to hire a particular person (read his personal qualities and professional), the virtual dating, communication on the Internet and in other cases. Learn the nature of the face requires confident knowledge and experience possessed by the experts of our agency. Very often physiognomic analysis of human portraits paired with handwriting analysis, it creates the most complete picture of the man.

If you want to define your own physiognomic portrait, or you need a portrait of a loved one, ask your local detective agency "Private detective Crimea", we will provide this service professionally. Learn the nature of the face remotely, without the presence of man is now also possible, as well as in person and communion with him.

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