To use the services of private detectives in the Crimea, you can simply call the Detective Agency "Private Detective Crimea", write us an email or use other communication options specified on this site. Even if you are not completely sure that our specialists can help you, let us start to get acquainted with your question that we ourselves can decide how your task will be within our reach. This is due to the fact that we do not seek to provide services to absolutely everyone, but as open and honest with people. And if the private detectives in the Crimea will become clear that our services are not suited to solve your problem, then we have to you about this and say.
- Identification of adultery
- Photo and video surveillance
- Checking for wiretapping
- Lie detector - a polygraph test
- Search of people
- Collection of information
- Verification of staff
- Search People By Cell Phone Number
- Control your mobile phone
- GPS beacon to monitor the elderly
- The test of loyalty, check the husband or wife of allegiance
- Enterprise security
- Восстановление данных с телефона
- Trademark Protection
- Helping parents in monitoring children
- Restoring family after divorce
- The investigation of crimes
- Search for a stolen vehicle
- Learn ip address of another computer
- Investigation of crimes on the Internet
- Search witnesses
- We define this profile owner in VKontakte
- Assist investigators in establishing paternity
- Check for carjacking
- Legal aid
- Services to restore deleted information
- Verification of real estate transactions
- Providing an alibi
- Checking the authenticity of the documents
- Graphological psychoanalysis
- Fingerprints or fingerprinting
- Protection
- Handwriting analysis
- Psychological support
- Collection services
- Physiognomic analysis
- Drawing up an identikit
- Drafting family tree
- Carrying out test purchases
- The introduction of our employee
- Verification of the data provided for dating services
- Recruitment specialist in your company
- Derivation of human sects
- Payment for services
- Search biological parents
- Zhingel Sergey
The same applies to the pricing. Sometimes it may seem that the cost of the services of private detectives in Crimea somewhat overstated. But we are quite realistically assess their work in view of the costs that are normally associated with the performance of our work. So you can be sure that our prices are quite articulated with reality. There are no figures on the site is due to the fact that initially we need to get acquainted with the problem and evaluate it.